أدوات للمبرمجين و المطورين و التقنيين
شغوفين بجعل حياة مستخدمي الإنترنت العربي أسهل في تولات، لذلك أنشأنا مجموعة من أدوات مفيدة لمستخدم الإنترنت العادي أو المبرمجين. نحب البساطة، لذلك جعلنا الأدوات بسيطة جداً و واضحة في كيفية استخدامها. لا توجد إعلانات أو تسجيل إلزامي أو نوافذ مزعجة إلخ، كل هذا مجاناً. اضغط على الزر و احصل على النتيجة.
استخدمنا الإنجليزية في أسماء الأدوات ليكون الوصول إليها سهل عند البحث بالكلمات المفتاحية.
بياناتك خاصة بك وحدك: تتم جميع التحويلات و العمليات الحسابية في متصفحك باستخدام تقنية جافا سكريبت.
لا نرسل أي بيانات تدخلها بتاتا إلى خوادمنا. صنع ب ❤️ في السعودية لكل الناطقين باللغة العربية.
Web tools
أدوات الويب
أدوات الويب
URL encode/decode, HTML escape/unescape, JSON prettify/minify.

Web tools
Press button, get result.
Conversion tools
أدوات التحويل
أدوات التحويل
Convert between various data, file, encoding, text and number formats, etc.

Conversion tools
Press button, get result.
Encryption tools
أدوات التشفير
أدوات التشفير
Encrypt and decrypt text and strings. AES, RC4, ROT13, 3DES, etc.

Encryption tools
Press button, get result.
Hash tools
أدوات التجزئة
أدوات التجزئة
Calculate cryptographic hashes of text and strings. MD5, SHA1, etc.

Hash tools
Press button, get result.
Password tools
أدوات كلمة المرور
أدوات كلمة المرور
Generate passwords for MySQL, PostgreSQL, bcrypt, scrypt, etc.

Password tools
Press button, get result.
Text tools
أدوات النص
أدوات النص
Modify, sort, convert, delete and filter text and strings, etc.

Text tools
Press button, get result.
Randomization tools
أدوات التوزيع العشوائي
أدوات التوزيع العشوائي
Generate random numbers, strings, UUIDs, Dates, IPs, etc.

Randomization tools
Press button, get result.
Image tools
أدوات الصورة
أدوات الصورة
Convert, crop, resize images. PNG, GIF, JPG, BMP, etc. (crop/resize coming soon!)

Image tools
Press button, get result.
Time and date tools
أدوات الوقت والتاريخ
أدوات الوقت والتاريخ
Convert between date formats, do date calculations, etc.

Date tools
Press button, get result.
Math tools
أدوات الرياضيات
أدوات الرياضيات
Do useful calculations, generate prime and Fibonacci numbers, etc.

Math tools
Press button, get result.
Other tools
أدوات أخرى
أدوات أخرى
Find my IP, display browser info, etc. (browser info coming soon!)

Other tools
Press button, get result.
All tools
جميع الأدوات
جميع الأدوات
See all tools in one giant list. There are over 100 tools!
Here's a giant list of all tools. Ctrl+f is your friend to find the tool you're looking for.
URL encoder converts special URL characters in strings to safe percent-sign characters.
URL decoder converts percent-sign special characters in safe URL strings to regular strings.
URL parser splits an URL into components, protocol, hostname, port, link, domain, query string, hash, etc.
HTML encoder converts certain characters to HTML entities
HTML decoder converts HTML entities to normal characters.
Base64 encoder converts ascii/utf8/utf16 strings to base64-encoded strings.
Base64 decoder converts base64-encoded strings back to regular strings.
HTML prettifier converts ugly HTML into beautifully indented and nicely formatted HTML.
HTML minifier compresses HTML to minimum by removing all unnecessary spaces, tabs and newlines.
JSON prettifier indents and formats JSON strings.
JSON minifier removes all indents and spaces, and compresses JSON strings.
JSON escaper escapes JSON strings and escapes special JSON characters.
JSON unescaper unescapes JSON-escaped strings and you get valid JSON.
JSON validator validates JSON strings and shows errors if they're invalid.
JavaScript prettifier converts compressed and unreadable JS code into beatuiful, pretty formatted code.
JavaScript minifier removes unnecessary spaces, tabs and compresses JS code.
JavaScript validator validates the code and shows errors if there are any.
CSS prettifier converts ugly, compressed CSS without spaces to nicely formatted and indented CSS.
CSS minifier compresses CSS code by removing unnecessary indentation, spaces, tabs.
XML prettifier converts ugly XML into beautiful XML.
XML minifier removes tabs, spaces and compresses XML to minimum size.
XML to JSON converter converts an XML data structure to JSON string.
JSON to XML converter converts a JSON data structure to XML string.
XML to CSV converter converts an XML data structure to CSV string.
CSV to XML converter converts CSV data to XML data structure.
XML to YAML converter converts an XML data structure to YAML data structure.
YAML to XML converter converts a YAML string to XML data structure.
YAML to TSV converter converts an XML data structure to tab separated values (TSV).
TSV to YAML converter converts tab separated strings (TSV) to XML.
XML to TSV converter converts XML to tab separated values (TSV).
TSV to XML converter converts tab separated strings (TSV) to XML.
XML to TXT converter converts an XML data structure to plain text string.
JSON to CSV converter converts JSON data structure to CSV data.
CSV to JSON converter converts CSV data to JSON data structure.
JSON to YAML converter converts a JSON data structure to YAML data structure.
YAML to JSON converter converts a YAML string to JSON data structure.
JSON to TSV converter converts JSON to TSV (tab separated strings).
TSV to JSON converter converts tab separated strings (TSV) to JSON.
JSON to TXT converter converts a JSON data structure to plain text string.
YAML to CSV converter converts a YAML string to CSV string.
CSV to YAML converter converts a CSV string to YAML string.
TSV to CSV converter converts tab separated strings (TSV) to comma separated strings (CSV).
CSV to TSV converter converts comma separated strings (CSV) to tab separated strings (TSV).
TSV to text column converter converts TSV data to neatly aligned text columns.
Text columns to CSV converter converts space-separated text data to tab-separated text data.
CSV to text column converter converts CSV data to neatly formatted text columns.
Text columns to CSV converter converts simple space-separated column data to proper CSV.
CSV transposer transposes comma separated value files. Columns get transposed to rows and rows get transposed to columns.
CSV cols to rows converter converts columns to rows in CSV files.
CSV rows to cols converter converts rows to columns in CSV files.
CSV column swapper swaps any two columns in CSV files.
CSV column extractor extracts columns from CSV files.
CSV column deleter removes the given column from CSV files.
CSV column prepender adds a new column at the beginning of a CSV file.
CSV column appender adds a new column at the end of a CSV file.
CSV column inserter inserts a new column between anywhere in an existing CSV file.
CSV column replacer replaces one CSV column with a new column.
CSV column delimiter changer changes comma separator to any other symbol or string.
TSV transposer transposes tab separated value files. Columns get transposed to rows and rows get transposed to columns.
TSV columns to rows converter exchanges columns and rows in TSV files.
TSV rows to columns converter exchanges rows and columns in CSV files.
TSV column swapper swaps any two columns in TSV files.
TSV column extractor extracts columns from TSV files.
TSV column deleter removes the specified column from TSV files.
TSV column prepender adds a new column at the beginning of a TSV file.
TSV column appender appends a new column at the end of existing TSV data.
TSV column inserter inserts a new column anywhere in existing TSV files.
TSV column replacer replaces the given TSV column with a new column.
TSV column delimiter changer changes tab separator to any other symbol or string.
String delimited column extractor extracts arbitrary columns from arbitrary delimited files, strings and text.
String delimited column deleter removes arbitrary columns from arbitrary delimited files, strings or text.
String delimited column replacer replaces a column in arbitrary delimited files, strings and text with a new column.
Arbitrary delimited column swapper exchanges any two columns in text and strings.
This tool changes the column separator of arbitrary delimited columns.
Arbitrary delimited text transposer rotates text by 90 degrees. Columns get transformed to rows and rows get transformed to columns.
Truncate text tool truncates every line of text to the given length.
Trim text tool trims every line of text, removing whitespace chars from beginning and end of lines.
Text data columns to rows converter converts columns in text data to rows.
Text data rows to columns converter converts rows in text data to columns.
HTML to Markdown converter converts HTML to Markdown plain text.
Markdown to HTML converter converts Markdown text to HTML.
HTML to Jade converter converts HTML to Jade markdown language.
Jade to HTML converter converts Jade templating language to HTML.
BBCode to HTML converter converts Bulletin Board Code markup language to HTML.
BBCode to Jade converter transpiles BBCode markup language to Jade templating language.
BBCode to text converter extracts text from BBCode markup code.
HTML to Text converter extracts plain text, numbers and strings from HTML.
HTML tag remover strips all HTML tags and leaves just the inner HTML text without tags.
Text to HTML entities converts text and strings entirely to HTML special chars.
UNIX time to UTC time converter converts a UNIX timestamp to UTC time format. Useful if you store date as UNIX time in your database.
UTC time to UNIX time converter converts UTC time (and other time formats/zones) to UNIX timestamp.
IP to binary converter converts an IP address to a dot separated binary number.
Binary to IP converter converts IP addresses from a dot-separated binary format to a real IP address.
IP to octal converter converts an IP address to an octal IP and octal number.
Octal to IP converter converts IP addresses from octal numbers to human readable IP addresses.
IP to decimal converter converts an IP address to a number. Useful if you store IPs as numbers in database, and need to convert between these formats.
Decimal to IP converter converts IP addresses from a 32-bit integer to a real IP address.
IP to hex converter converts an IP address to a hex number and dot-separated hex IP.
Hex to IP converter converts hexadecimal IP addresses to a real dot-decimal IP addresses.
IP address sorter sorts Internet Protocol addresses in the right order.
MySQL password generator creates a MySQL PASSWORD() from your string.
MariaDB password generator creates a MariaDB PASSWORD() from your string.
Postgres password generator creates a PostgreSQL MD5 password from your username and string.
Bcrypt password generator creates UNIX bcrypt password.
Bcrypt password checker checks if the given bcrypt hash matches the given password.
Scrypt password generator creates scrypt hash of a password with a salt.
Scrypt password checker checks if the given scrypt hash matches the given password.
ROT13 encoder/decoder transforms text using ROT13 algorithm, that shifts each letter by 13 positions.
ROT47 encoder/decoder encrypts and decrypts text using ROT47 cypher, that shifts each letters, numbers and special symbols by 47 positions.
Base32 encoder convers text to human-friendly base32 encoding.
Base32 decoder converts a base32-encoded string to plain text.
Base58 encoder convers strings and text to base58 encoding.
Base58 decoder converts a base58-encoded data to plain text.
Ascii85 encoder convers text to Ascii85 (base85) encoding.
Ascii85 decoder converts an Ascii85-encoded string to plain text.
UTF8 encoder convers ASCII and Unicode text (and strings) to UTF8 encoding.
UTF8 decoders convers UTF8-encoded text back to ASCII or Unicode.
UTF16 encoder convers ASCII and Unicode text and strings to UTF16 encoding.
UTF8 decoders convers UTF16-encoded text back to ASCII or Unicode.
Punycode encoder converts text and strings to punycode.
Punycode decoder converts punycode back to readable text.
Uuencoder converts strings and text to uuencoded text.
Uudecoder converts uuencoded text back to regular string.
Morse Code to text convertor converts a message encoded in Morse code to text.
Text to More code convertor converts text and strings to More code encoding.
XOR encryptor encrypts text using simple XOR binary operation.
XOR decryptor decrypts XOR-encoded to plain-text.
AES encryptor encrypts text using AES algorithm. Useful for sharing private data quickly.
AES decryptor decrypts AES-encoded text to plain-text.
RC4 encryptor encrypts text using RC4 algorithm.
RC4 decryptor decrypts RC4-encoded text to plain-text.
DES encryptor encrypts text using DES algorithm.
DES decryptor decrypts DES-encoded text to plain-text.
Triple DES encryptor encrypts text using Triple DES algorithm.
Triple DES decryptor decrypts Triple-DES-encoded text to plain-text.
Rabbit encryptor encrypts text using Rabbit stream cypher algorithm.
Rabbit decryptor decrypts Rabbit-encoded text to plain-text.
NTLM calculator generates NTLM checksum of text or string.
MD2 calculator generates MD2 checksum of text or string.
MD4 calculator generates MD4 checksum of text or string.
MD5 calculator generates MD5 checksum of text or string.
MD6 calculator generates MD6 checksum of text or string.
RipeMD128 calculator generates RipeMD128 checksum of text or string.
RipeMD160 calculator generates RipeMD160 checksum of text or string.
RipeMD256 calculator generates RipeMD256 checksum of text or string.
RipeMD320 calculator generates RipeMD320 checksum of text or string.
SHA1 calculator generates SHA1 checksum of text or string.
SHA2 calculator generates SHA2 checksum of text or string.
SHA224 calculator generates SHA224 checksum of text or string.
SHA256 calculator generates SHA256 checksum of text or string.
SHA384 calculator generates SHA384 checksum of text or string.
SHA512 calculator generates SHA512 checksum of text or string.
SHA3 calculator generates SHA3 checksum of text or string.
CRC16 calculator generates CRC16 checksum of text or string.
CRC32 calculator generates CRC32 checksum of text or string.
Adler32 calculator generates Adler32 checksum of text or string.
Whirlpool calculator generates Whirlpool checksum of text or string.
All hashes calculator generates all hashes above at once.
Seconds to H:M:S converter converts clock seconds to hours:minutes:seconds format.
H:M:S to Seconds converter converts hours:mins:secs to clock seconds.
Seconds to Human Time converter convers clock seconds to human readable time, such as years, months, days, hours, seconds.
Binary to octal converter convers a binary number to an octal number in base 8.
Binary to decimal converter convers a binary number in base 2 to a decimal number.
Binary to hex converter convers binary numbers to hexadecimal numbers.
Octal to binary converter convers an octal number to a binary number.
Octal to decimal converter convers an octal number in base 8 to a decimal integer.
Octal to hex converter convers octal numbers to hexadecimal numbers.
Decimal to binary converter convers a decimal number to a binary number.
Decimal to octal converter convers a decimal number to an octal number.
Decimal to hexadecimal converter convers a dec number in base 10 to a hex number in base 16.
Hex to binary converter convers hexadecimal numbers to binary numbers.
Hexadecimal to octal converter convers a hex number to an octal number in base 8.
Hexadecimal to decimal converter convers a hex number in base 16 to a decimal number in base 10.
Decimal to BCD converter converts decimal numbers to binary coded decimal numbers.
BCD to decimal converter converts binary coded decimals to decimals.
Octal to BCD converter converts octal numbers to binary coded decimal numbers.
BCD to octal converter converts binary coded decimals to octal.
Hex to BCD converter converts hexadecimal numbers to binary coded decimals.
BCD to hex converter converts binary coded decimals to hexadecimals.
Binary to Gray code converter converts binary numbers to Gray code binary numbers.
Gray code to binary converter converts Gray code back to regular binary numbers.
Octal to Gray code converter converts octal numbers to Gray code binaries.
Gray code to octal converter converts Gray code back to octal numbers.
Decimal to Gray code converter converts decimal numbers to Gray code binary numbers.
Gray code to decimal converter converts Gray code back to decimal numbers.
Hexadecimal to Gray code converter converts hex numbers to Gray code binary numbers.
Gray code to hex converter converts Gray code back to hex numbers.
Binary number adder calculates the sum of multiple binary numbers.
Binary number multiplier calculates the product of multiple binary numbers.
Binary AND calculator computes bitwise AND operation on multiple binary numbers.
Binary NAND calculator computes bitwise NAND operation on multiple binary numbers.
Binary OR calculator computes bitwise OR operation on multiple binary numbers.
Binary NOR calculator computes bitwise NOR operation on multiple binary numbers.
Binary XOR calculator computes bitwise XOR operation on multiple binary numbers.
Binary XNOR calculator computes bitwise NXOR operation on multiple binary numbers.
Binary NOT calculator computes bitwise NOT operation of a binary number.
Binary bit inverter flips bits in binary numbers.
Binary bit reverser reverses the order of bits in binary numbers.
Binary number rotator rotates binary numbers to the left or the right.
Binary bit rotator circularly shifts bits in binary numbers to the left.
Binary bit rotator circularly shifts bits in binary numbers to the right.
Number base converter converts a number in one base to another.
Roman numbers to decimal converter converts Roman numerals to decimal integers.
Decimal numbers to Roman converter converts Arabic numerals to Roman numerals.
This tool converts numbers to English text.
This tool converts English text to decimal numbers.
Decimal notation to scientific converter converts decimal numbers to their scientific normal form.
Scientific notation to decimal converter converts numbers in standard form to decimal numbers.
Number up rounder rounds numbers up to the given precision.
Number down rounder rounds numbers down to the given precision.
Characters to ASCII codes converter converts each character in text or string to ASCII code points.
ASCII code to text converter converts ASCII code points to a string.
UTF8 to hex converter converts UTF8 characters to hex numbers.
Hex to UTF8 converter converts hex numbers to UTF8 characters.
Text to bin converter converts text or string to binary string.
Bin to text converter converts a binary string to plain text string.
Text to oct converter converts text or string to octal string.
Oct to text converter converts octal data to plain text.
Text to dec converter converts text to decimal string.
Dec to text converter converts decimal numbers to string.
Text to hex converter converts text to hex string.
Hex to text converter converts a hexademical string to plain text.
Text to lowercase converter converts all characters in text and strings to lower case characters.
Text to uppercase converter converts all characters in text and strings to upper case characters.
Text to randomcase converter randomizes letter case in text and strings.
Text to titlecase converter converts text and strings to title case text.
Text capitalizer uppercases first letter of every word in text and strings.
Text inverter inverts text case, uppercase to lowercase and lowercase to uppercase.
Spaces to tabs converter replaces spaces to tabs in text and strings.
Tabs to spaces converter replaces tabs to spaces in text and strings.
Spaces to newlines converter replaces spaces with line breaks and you get columns of text.
Newlines to spaces converter replaces line breaks with spaces and you a single blob of text.
Accent remover removes all diacritical marks in text and strings.
Whitespaces and tabs remover deletes all duplicate spaces, converts tabs to spaces and strips (trims) the text.
All whitespaces, tabs and newlines remover deletes absolutely all spacing and you get one big blog of text.
Punctuation remover deletes all punctuation marks from text.
Thousands separator adder formats numbers and groups digits by thousands.
Backslash adder adds backslashes to escape quotes and backslashes in text and strings.
Backslash unescaper removes backslashes in text and strings.
Text repeater repeats a string a given number of times.
Text replacer tool finds and replaces strings in text.
Text reverser reverses text and strings.
Text rotator rotates text and strings to the left or to the right.
This tool circularly rotates characters in text and strings to the left.
This tool circularly rotates characters in text and strings to the right.
Text transform tool converts and formats text and strings.
Text centering tool centers text to the given width.
Text right-align tool aligns text and strings to the right.
Text left-pad tool adds symbols to strings on the left.
Text right-pad tool adds symbols to strings on the right.
Text justify tool justifies text on every line so all lines are equal length.
Text column formatter tool aligns all text in neat and even columns.
Text length calculator finds the length of text or string.
Text sorter sorts lines of text and strings in alphabetical order.
Number sorter sorts lines of numbers in numeric order.
Word sorter sorts all words in a text and strings in alphabetical order.
Lines by length sorter sorts all text lines by their length ascending or descending.
Word wrapper wraps text and strings to the given number of characters.
Word splitter splits text into individual words and produces a single column of words.
Number text lines adds line numbers to each line.
Prefix text lines tool adds prefix strings to every text line.
Suffix text lines tool adds suffix strings to all text lines.
Prefix and suffix text tool appends both prefix and suffix at once to all text lines.
Longest text line finder finds the longest line in a blob of text.
Shortest text line finder finds the shortest line among all text lines.
Duplicate line remover removes all repeated lines in a text blob leaving only unique lines.
Empty line remover removes all empty lines (that contain spaces, tabs, newline) in a text blob.
Line shuffler randomizes the order of text lines.
Letter shuffler randomizes positions of all characters in text and strings.
Text line merger removes newlines and line breaks and joins all text lines together.
String splitter splits text by the given delimiter and produces columns of strings.
Text line reverser flips the line order of text.
Text line filter finds all lines that contain the given pattern.
Strings from regex generates random text from a given regular expression.
Regex match extractor extracts strings, text and data from the given input that matches the given regular expression.
Regex match replacer substitutes all regular expression matches in the given text with the replacement string.
All email extractor finds and extracts all email addresses from the given text or string.
All URL extractor finds and extracts a list of all web links in text or string.
All number extractor finds and extracts a list of all numbers in text or string.
Merge text lists tool joins two or more lists of text and produces a single concatenated list.
Zip text lists tool joins two or more lists element by element.
Find common items in lists compares two lists and finds all elements that are in both lists (it finds list intersection.)
Find distinct items in lists finds all elements that don't overlap (it finds list symmetric difference.)
Printf text lines tool formats every text line according to the given printf/sprintf format.
Grep text tool finds all text lines that match a regular expression.
Head lines tool runs Unix head command on all text lines and returns first n lines.
Tail lines tool runs Linux tail command on all text lines and returns last n lines.
Line interval extaractor returns all lines between two line numbers.
This tool counts the number of letters in text or strings.
This tool counts the number of words in text or strings.
This tool counts the number of lines in text.
This tool counts the number of paragraphs in text.
Letter frequency counter calculates how many times each letter appears in a string or text.
Word frequency counter calculates how many times each word appears in a string or text.
Phrase frequency counter calculates how many times each phrase (of two or more words) appears in a string or text.
Text information tool provides staistics about text or string. It finds number of lines, words, sentences, paragraphs, characters, and gives character frequency breakdown (entropy info soon, too.)
Random choice picker selects a random item from a list of elements.
This tool creates a random JSON data structure.
This tool creates a random YAML configuration files.
This tool creates a random XML document.
This tool creates a random CSV file.
This tool creates a random TSV file.
This tool creates a random password.
This tool creates random text and strings from various formats.
This tool creates random integer numbers.
Random decimal fractions generator creates random real numbers with the given precision.
Random bin number generator generates random binary numbers of arbitrary length.
Random oct number generator generates random octal numbers of arbitrary length.
Random dec number generator generates random decimal numbers of arbitrary length.
Random hex number generator generates random hex numbers of arbitrary length.
This tool creates random bytes.
This tool creates random IP addresses.
This tool creates random MAC addresses.
This tool creates random UUIDs.
This tool creates random GUIDs.
This tool creates random calendar dates.
This tool creates random clock times.
This tool creates prime numbers.
This tool creates Fibonacci numbers.
Pi's constant generator computes π constant's digits to arbitrary precision.
Euler's constant generator computes e constant to arbitrary precision.
JPG to PNG converter converts images in JPEG format to images in PNG format.
PNG to JPG converter converts images in PNG format to images in JPEG format.
GIF to PNG converter converts images in GIF format to images in PNG format.
GIF to JPG converter converts images in GIF format to images in JPEG format.
BMP to PNG converter converts images in BMP format to images in PNG format.
BMP to JPG converter converts images in BMP format to images in JPEG format.
Image to Base64 converter converts any image to base64-encoded string.
File to Base64 converter converts any file to base64 encoding.
JSON to Base64 converter encodes a JSON data structure to base64 encoding.
XML to Base64 converter encodes an XML document to base64 encoding.
Hex to RGB converter converts a color in hex format to RGB (decimal/integer) format.
RGB to Hex converter converts a color in RGB format to Hex format.
CMYK to RGB converter converts a CMYK color to RGB color.
RGB to CMYK converter converts a color in RGB format to CMYK format.
CMYK to hex converter converts a CMYK color to hex color.
Hex to CMYK converter converts a color in hex format to CMYK format.
IDN encoder converts UTF8 domain names to IDN encoding.
IDN decoder converts IDN-encoded domain names back to UTF8.
Miles to kilometers converter converts miles to km.
Kilometers to miles converter converts km to miles.
Celsius to Fahrenheit converter converts temperature in Celsius degress to Fahrenheit scale.
Fahrenheit to Celsius converter converts temperature in Fahrenheit degress to Celsius scale.
Degrees to radians converter converts angles in degrees to radians.
Radians to degrees converter converts angles in radians to degrees.
Pounds to kilograms converter converts weight in lbs to kg.
Kilograms to pounds converter converts weight in kilos to lbs.
What's my IP tool detects and displays your IP address.